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Support Us

'Friends of The Phil'

The strength and success of the choir goes beyond the concert platform and is heightened by the depth of friendship that exists between members, families, friends and sponsors. Those who regularly support us are known as the 'Friends of The Phil'. All are welcome to join and share in a common love of choral music. 
In addition to supporting us, there are several benefits and bonuses exclusively available to Friends including: 


  • A quarterly Friends Newsletter 

  • Inclusion in a free quarterly draw, with a prize of £25

  • A free ticket to one of our "Christmas Traditions" events

  • An open invitation to participate in 'The Phil' social events and trips

'The Phillies'

The choir is also indebted to a group of wives and partners - affectionately known as ‘The Phillies’ - who regularly support the choir. Representatives from this group will always be seen welcoming audience members to our concerts, supplying refreshments during the interval and supporting our annual fundraising day in York.

'The Phillies' are key members of our choir family and - lockdown restrictions permitting - the group also regularly meet independently to socialise and enjoy each other’s company. 'The Phillies' is open to wives and partners of all choir members - everyone will be made very welcome.

Become a 'Friend of The Phil' or
join 'The Phillies'

For more information about the benefits and how you can become a 'Friend of The Phil' or a member of 'The Phillies' then please get in touch today



As a charity, we rely on the support and donations from friends, family and the public. Our aim is to raise money through our performances and sales in a bid to support a number of charities near and dear to our hearts.

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